Tuesday 28 August 2012

HDR students - when to submit ethical clearance applications

The following advice on the submission of ethical clearance applications.  If you have any further questions please contact your Faculty Research Ethics Advisor, the ethics website (www.research.qut.edu.au/ethics ) for clarification.


When do I submit an application for ethical clearance?

Applicants are advised to submit their application for ethical clearance once the research design and methodology has been confirmed. Data collection instruments (surveys, interview questions, etc) can be in draft form at submission, however they must be sufficiently indicative of the nature of the intended instrument to enable adequate review of the proposal and determination of the corresponding risk level of the proposed research. If the instruments are provided in draft form, applicants will be required to provide final versions for approval prior to their use.

NOTE: PhD students are advised to submit their applications for ethical clearance following confirmation, unless data collection is to commence prior to this time.

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