Tuesday 28 August 2012

Visiting scholar - what to prepare

If you are an active  researcher and you would like to visit QUT for business or sebatical leave (we call it Professional Development Leave) so that we can do research together, we always welcome you.

For visiting scholars, we normally do not charge and do not pay.  You have to find your financial support for your stay in QUT. QUT will normally offer a standard workplace such as the desk, phone and internet.

You need to find an academic staff member who is willing to host your stay in QUT.  

To visit QUT, you need to prepare:

1. A short proposal (1-3 pages should be fine) stating the nature of the visit and benefits to both organisatios (your sponsor and QUT).
2. a full CV with publication list.
3. A letter from your organization certifying that you are employed in that organization (e.g. university) and mention your position there.
4. A letter stating that your visit will be financially supported by your organization or government.
5. A copy of the first page of your passport.

Once you get your financial support and know your estimate date for the visit,  the host in QUT should be able to prepare the invitation form, then the faculty will send all materials to the Department of Immigration to get the approval for the visit, then QUT will send the approval to you so that you can apply for your visa. 

I have hosted several visiting scholars from Chinese universities.  If your research area aligns with mine and you would like to visit QUT, please contact me directly at jinglan.zhang at qut.edu.au

I, Dr. Jinglan Zhang, am interested in the broad area of computer science and  information systems such as artificial intelligence, computer software.  In particular, my research interests include Information Retrieval, Data Management, Visual and Acoustic Information (Graphics, Images, and Sound) Processing and Retrieval, Decision Support Systems, and Concurrent and Distributed systems.  

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