Wednesday 29 August 2012

QUT's degrees

Some students, especially internartional students, are wondering about different degrees offered in QUT. Some students also need to prove that their QUT degree is equivalent to which degree offered in their own country.  
For Information Technology, According to Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), QUT’s IT Bachelor is  a Level 7 bachelor degree, IT Honours is a Level 8 bachelor honours degree, and Masters degree (either courework or research) is a Level 9 masters degree.

Please check here for detailed information about awards in QUT:

Bachelor degrees meet the AQF qualifications specifications for a Level 7 bachelor degree. The bachelor degree qualifies individuals who apply a broad and coherent body of knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake professional work and as a pathway for further learning.

Bachelor honours degrees meet the AQF qualifications specifications for a Level 8 bachelor honours degree. The bachelor honours degree qualifies individuals who apply a body of knowledge in a specific context to undertake professional work and as a pathway for research and further learning.

Masters degrees meet the AQF qualifications specifications for a Level 9 masters degree. Masters degrees at QUT are classified as either coursework or research.

Doctoral degrees (PhD) meet the AQF qualifications specifications for a Level 10 doctoral degree.

 ============ below is more detailed info. =========================

(a) Diploma
Diplomas meet the AQF qualifications specifications for Level 5 diplomas. 1 – 2 years.
(b) Associate degree
Associate degrees meet the AQF qualifications specifications for Level 6 associate degrees. 2 years.
(c) Bachelor degree
Bachelor degrees meet the AQF qualifications specifications for a Level 7 bachelor degree. 3-4 years.

(d) Bachelor honours degree
Bachelor honours degrees meet the AQF qualifications specifications for a Level 8 bachelor honours degree.

Two ways to get Honours:
 (a) a separate 1-year course following a Level 7 bachelor degree
(b) embedded in a Level 8 bachelor degree (4-years).

(e) Graduate certificate and graduate diploma
Graduate certificates and graduate diplomas meet the AQF qualifications specifications for a Level 8 graduate certificate and graduate diploma respectively.

(f) Masters degree
Masters degrees meet the AQF qualifications specifications for a Level 9 masters degree. 1-2 years.

g) Doctoral degree
Doctoral degrees meet the AQF qualifications specifications for a Level 10 doctoral degree.3-4 years.

QUT also offer many double degrees.

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